Some studies out there suggest that the cost to raise a child from birth to 17 is around $300K. It is no wonder that dads and moms can get overwhelmed with providing financially for the family. Of course, raising a child is not a cost but an investment. As dads and moms invest well, the return is priceless.
Investing well, be it financial or relational, takes on
We typically spend twelve years in primary and secondary education to study the basics of reading, writing, arithmetic and history. After that there are vocational, military and higher education opportunities to continue programs or studies. The focus for the most part is to help prepare one to be a productive citizen.
Preparation for marriage and parenting is on
Resolve to take action this new year to grow as a faithful father. In our Seasons of Fathering handbook, initiating action is encouraged early and often on the fathering journey. The investment of time and love early on will not only help mom navigate through the stress of the demands of a newborn, it will increase dad’s sensitivity to opportunities to step in where he can, to help burp the baby or put him down to sleep.
Action is grounded in loving your wife, learning to love her as on
Resolve this new year to grow as a faithful father. Encouraging and equipping dads to father with purpose is what drives us at Faithful Fathering. Certainly, dads have to be purposeful at work to provide for the family. And they have to be purposeful at maintaining good health and well-being. Dads also need to be purposeful at staying engaged in the kids’ studies and relationships.
At Faithful Fathering, the priority is to be purpose-filled. All purposefulness flows out of on