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Dad Talk
Wednesday, August 30 2017

Reading, ‘Riting and ‘Rithmetic are the three R’s most parents think of as school starts back up. But the home is and always will be the primary education front for the next generation. As George Will documented so well in his article, “The 9/91 Factor,” kids spend only 9% of their time from birth to 18 in school and 91% elsewhere. Thus, school simply supplements what kids are learning “elsewhere”. Dads and moms are charged to accept responsibility as the primary educators in their children’s lives.

The 3-R’s of education in the home are: on

Posted by: Wertz AT 11:24 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, August 23 2017

In 1986, a friend accepted an opportunity to get one-year advanced degree in lieu of being a victim of company layoffs. Upon enrolling in an MBA program, he learned that a lap-top was required for the courses he would be taking. Just five years earlier he had been programming Fortran cards for a room-sized computer to process part of his senior engineering project. Technology was moving forward on university campuses.

Today, lap-tops, tablets, smart phones and smart watches are almost givens among school-age kids. Some schools on

Posted by: Wertz AT 07:32 pm   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
Wednesday, August 16 2017

Roll call – A consistent happening every first day of school. Even if the teacher mispronounced your name, the proper response was, “Present.” If you responded with a shy, “Here”, or stayed silent due to the humiliating pronunciation of your name, you got moved to the front of the class. Not cool and certainly not a good start to the school year!

Are you present? This is a ‘roll call’ for all dads – Are you on

Posted by: Wertz AT 05:50 pm   |  Permalink   |  3 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, August 09 2017

Well, it is time to put a wrap on summer unless you live in Houston – then you know we have a couple more months to enjoy the heat and humidity. But kids heading back to school is a marker for the end of summer. I hope you have made some memories as a family – maybe a family trip, taking your kids fishing for the first time or a summer camping experience.

Before you get back into the hustle & bustle of school and extra-curricular activities, I encourage you to on

Posted by: Wertz AT 12:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, August 02 2017

… there, right where He wants you. They were five hours into what was thought to be a four-hour hike off the mountain. The guide was confident they were on the right trail but every step seemed to be taking them further into the wilderness, not out of it. It was raining, it was getting dark and there was not a lot of talking among the men on the trail. Then the trail took a turn on

Posted by: Wertz AT 10:49 am   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
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