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Wednesday, June 06 2018

My favorite month of the year is here - Father's Day month! So, in the spirit of Father's Day month, I have asked my bride, Linda to share five more ways wives can encourage husbands on the journey of becoming faithful fathers.

  • Schedules were referenced earlier – making sure dad and mom are operating off the same calendar. Another way to encourage your husband is to help him identify and schedule one-on-one time with each child routinely. It might be a dad-daughter date, a weekend retreat or extended summer hiking trip. This takes on
Posted by: Wertz AT 08:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, May 30 2018

Moms play a key role on the journey of men becoming faithful fathers, so I have asked Linda, my bride of 37 years to share ways wives can encourage husbands on the journey. Number one is affirmation:

  1. Affirm Dad in front of the kids. It may be for making an activity, stepping up to coach a team or consistently getting home on time. Men do appreciate ‘ATTADAD’s. If there are work schedule issues or anything you feel may be wrong priorities that have impacted family time, talk about those away from the kids;
  2. Make time for a daily debrief about the kids’ activities and issues. Over the years, this time has helped us stay in tune with each other around the kids’ development, dreams and set-backs. Our dog still takes us for a walk just about every evening;
  3. A great way to encourage your husband is on
Posted by: Wertz AT 10:14 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, May 23 2018

“The price of greatness is responsibility. If the people of the United States had continued in a mediocre station, struggling with the wilderness, absorbed in their own affairs, and a factor of no consequence in the movement of the world, they might have remained forgotten and undisturbed beyond their protecting oceans: but one cannot rise to be in many ways the leading community in the civilized world without being involved in its problems, without being convulsed by its agonies and inspired by its causes.” – Winston Churchill speaking at Harvard in 1943.

Responsibility is on

Posted by: Wertz AT 10:28 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, May 16 2018

Where does a young man learn to be the man, husband and father he is called to be, that the next generation needs? Is it through the school of hard knocks called life lessons? Is it through the example set by those men around him during the formative years? Is it via the media’s projection of what marriage and family looks like? All will have an influence on a young man but it is up to him to discern what to conform to.

“Do not conform to on

Posted by: Wertz AT 10:07 pm   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, May 02 2018

If you have seen the movie, Amazing Grace, you may know William Wilberforce as the man that abolished slave trade in Great Britain in 1807. In his book, “Seven Men and the Secret of their Greatness”, Eric Metaxas quotes Wilberforce writing that “God Almighty has set before me two Great Objects: the suppression of the Slave Trade and the Reformation of Manners.” Metaxas goes on to write that the terrible evil of the slave trade was only one – albeit the worst – of the social evils running rampant at the time in England. “Reformation of Manners” had to do with the other social evils - on

Posted by: Wertz AT 04:49 pm   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, April 25 2018

When pond fishing, it is common to have a minimum size and weight of fish that you can keep. In some cases, the type of fish may even be stipulated – the landowner may be trying to thin out the perch population or decrease the number of big bass. When taking the kids fishing, it is important to explain up front that if they catch the wrong thing, it will need to be thrown back. It is not that easy in life.

He made sure the family went to church most every Sunday and that the kids were on

Posted by: Wertz AT 11:58 pm   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, April 17 2018

What a great one-liner Southwest Airlines has used to encourage folks to escape from present circumstances and travel to one of their many destinations for a reasonable fare. The commercials are effective because everyone can relate to the awkwardness of showing up at the wrong place at the wrong time and wanting to get small. Southwest pipes in, “Wanna get away?”

That can happen to us dads as the kids mature. It seems we turn around and another school year is in the books - Fifty-two marbles gone if you are counting. That boy is becoming a young man and the little girl is becoming a young lady. The busy-ness of work and activities have made any one-on-one time almost impossible. “Wanna get away? on

Posted by: Wertz AT 11:52 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, April 10 2018

He put on the bunny suit every Easter and had fun with the kids as they hunted and found Easter eggs. There were lots of laughs and giggles as the big bunny talked with them. Some would ask if he really was the Easter bunny while others wanted him to help them find more eggs. Much fun was had and a couple of generations of kids still have fond memories of the big bunny that showed up every year.

Only a few folks in town knew on

Posted by: Wertz AT 09:47 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, April 03 2018

“Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?” That was the question posed so powerfully by Dr. Del Tackett in Focus on the Family’s lecture/study series called “The Truth Project”. From the first Easter morning to Pentecost, as Jesus appeared to the apostles several times, they began to really believe what had been so hard to fathom from His teachings just weeks before.

He did not just appear to them. He talked with them, walked with them and ate with them. The Light began on

Posted by: Wertz AT 10:46 pm   |  Permalink   |  1 Comment  |  Email
Tuesday, March 27 2018

Another fire – gun control in light of the school shooting in Florida. Protests have been orchestrated in several cities across the nation and the media has dutifully done their best to sensationalize emotions that run high after such a tragedy. Perspective is a tough thing to maintain in this age of media mania. Auto accidents continue to be the leading cause of death for 15-20-yearolds but there are no protests around that issue. Second is suicide. on

Posted by: Wertz AT 07:51 pm   |  Permalink   |  5 Comments  |  Email

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